About NOVO Strategy
A secure, cloud-based strategic framework
NOVO Strategy provides a systematic process for obtaining a consensus among your key people on the major issues that will have a massive effect on the long-term performance of your organisation. By focusing on a small number of strategic issues our framework helps cut through the noise often associated with more traditional strategic planning processes.
Our online tool provides a cloud-based and central platform to collaborate and manage the process, bringing together input from individuals across your business to help shape a distinct set of strategies that will ensure your organisation achieves its “Aims” or prevents catastrophic events that could threaten your very existence.
Winning the Long Game
NOVO Strategy is a systematic process for obtaining a consensus among your key people on the small number of issues that will have a massive effect on the long-term performance of your organisation
Every Leader is under pressure to achieve acceptable business results – make budget, meet deadlines and deftly manage people – to provide the inspirational fuel that keeps the business running day-in and day-out.
But therein lies the danger, the long game – of creating sustainable value in a volatile, uncertain world that is becoming ever-more complex – is sacrificed to daily distractions.
The number one business challenge is to win the long game by being more strategic, by harnessing the knowledge and experience of people within the organisation and see the world from the future back.
Why Strategy Matters
Unless you have a clearly defined Purpose, your organisation will drift and eventually stagnate or die
Without a long-term strategy organisations fail to invest or make bad investments decisions
People need a long-term goal, something to aim for, absence of a long-term goal can adversely affect morale