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Centralise and manage thoughts and ideas
Captures the thoughts and ideas of the key decision makers and their peers to address strategic issues and arrive at a consensus on the long-term direction of the business. NOVO becomes the focal point for all discussions on strategy and strategic action plans.
Facilitator’s Guide
The framework includes a comprehensive Facilitators guide covering every Phase of the process. This means the MD can delegate the responsibility for managing the project to a suitable person within the company eg. Finance Manager, management trainee, accountant. It defines the roles and responsibilities of all the key players and the tasks they must perform.
True collaboration and team work
The MD/Business Owner and his team use NOVO to capture in-house knowledge and experience, links strategic thinking with operational decision making.
NOVO Strategy includes advice on how to set up a Workshop to capture the thoughts and ideas of a wider audience. It includes the ability to capture the views of Syndicate Teams, on-line, during each stage of the Workshop.
- Multiple access levels, allowing involvement across your organisation without over-sharing
- Consolidated and consistent output reports by user
- Syndicate team access to gather inputs from external workshops Individual accounts allow users to manage their own tasks, notes and messages
Outputs and reporting
A strategic plan worth printing
Once your strategic plan is completed; you’ll have access to a print-friendly and comprehensive strategy document that you can share within your organisation. Each page contains the key information relating to your strategic plan, from background financial analysis through to the strategies you’ve devised and the financial forecasts based on them.
Throughout the planning and monitoring process you’ll have access to team outputs and reports, provided in a consistent format allowing you to easily digest activity and new information in order to act on it.
Monitoring Loop
Helping your new strategies stay on track
NOVO Strategy monitors the progress of the individual strategies and their contribution to the financial targets set at the beginning of the project. By appointing a “Monitoring Loop Co-ordinator’ who’s task is to oversee the monitoring phase; strategy owners are encouraged to produce regular progress reports using the framework.
- Ensure strategies stay on target and deliver against expectations
- Constantly (and consistently) revaluate your organisations performance against forecasts
- Feedback into the strategy process to ensure strategies remain relevant
Anywhere, anytime
Cloud-based strategic framework
24/7 access for strategy team members and other interested parties via standard PCs, tablets and smart phones. Allow your team to be fully prepared for strategy meetings and allow strategy team members to monitor their own progress.
Security is of paramount importance when dealing with strategic material. All data entered in NOVO Strategy is encrypted and hosted on a secure, cloud hosting network on UK-based servers.
Save time and resource
Avoid common mistakes and get best practice advice
Each member of the strategy team has their own user account within the system allowing them to manage their own tasks, notes and communications.
Users taking part in the strategic process can submit their own thoughts and opinions via standardised templates, allowing for easy comparison by the facilitator.
Avoid the common mistakes and get best practice advice. This will save you time and money and ensure you get better results.
- Automatic reminders for overdue tasks
- Internal messaging/email
- Live project status reports to keep the project on track